Assessing the market is a major factor in deciding whether your innovation is best accelerated as a licence (to an existing company) or a spin-out opportunity. We consider many factors:
Once we have reviewed the market and if, when combined with the IP validation from step 2, we find there is strong potential for a spin-out, we will develop a high-level business plan with you and your team. The plan will more thoroughly define the innovation’s commercial opportunity and the impact it could have and will typically include:
Once this plan has been created, it will be combined with the initial IP review to clearly communicate the value of your innovation and used as a tool to identify key areas for improvement as commercialisation work begins.
With this information we then start validating the assumptions we have made about your innovation through focused discussions with the target market. Once IP protection is in place, we are able to discuss the benefits of your innovation more freely with relevant stakeholders and together we will work to:
Getting the opinion of potential users and experts on your innovation means key questions can be addressed in an unbiased manner. By analysing these responses we can understand how the technology may perform in a competitive market, ultimately helping to de-risk a spin-out’s development and growth.
[The inventor] had previously spent 25 years researching electronic support measures (ESM) for the UK Ministry of Defence. This new innovation came about due to a problem noticed by the Royal Navy as some of their ESM systems were producing ambiguous answers. [They] formed a team to solve the problem which resulted in a novel piece of software they called Palantir.
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