Expand situational awareness for marine vessels

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During the processing of nuclear-related materials, criticality events (accidental uncontrolled nuclear fission chain reactions) can occur. These can create doses of radiation that are fatal to people. In the history of atomic power development, at least 60 criticality accidents have occurred, with over 20 fatalities and significant damage caused. A new software tool has been developed that unlocks the ability to predict criticality events of nuclear-related materials in aqueous solutions, making this process significantly safer for users.
Criticality incidents can happen during the processing of nuclear-related materials when a critical mass of fissile material is unintentionally created. To help improve safety, there are existing tools that can model and predict the risk of criticality events for solid materials.
However, processing nuclear-related materials often involves steps where this fissile material is held in solutions or suspensions. Understanding the risk of criticality events during these steps is essential to prevent the release of nuclear energy, and to keep operators and the public safe – but, it is also difficult. Until now, it has only been possible to model criticality events in liquids after they had happened – it was not possible to model the predictive risk beforehand.
There was a vital need to address this gap to improve safety for people working with nuclear materials and potentially save lives.
Developed by Imperial College and AWE, this innovative software tool, the Fissile Solution Simulator (FISS), provides the ability to predict, model, and understand criticality events involving fissile materials in liquids, solutions, and suspensions. This enables predictive capabilities not possible before for those working with nuclear-related materials. FISS meets a crucial safety need in nuclear environments and overcomes a significant limitation that other predictive software tools face.
The software code has been optimised for speed but retains a modular structure. More recently, a graphical user interface has been created to enable easier use of the code.
This technology improves safety in the nuclear environment, benefitting designers, operators, and users of facilities that process fissile material in liquids. By unlocking additional predictive risk capabilities, FISS reduces the risk of criticality events, which can lead to injury, death and damage.
New capabilities and applications are still being developed, including working on adding the ability to analyse wetted powders.
If you would like to discuss this technology or collaboration opportunities with our team, please get in touch below.
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